Author: Tarusha Mittal

The Basics of Real-World Asset Tokenization (Part 2)

Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenization is a transformative concept that bridges the gap between physical assets and the digital world. In this blog, we’ll explore the process of RWA tokenization, its key benefits, and practical examples to provide a deeper understanding of how it works. How Does RWA Tokenization Work? 1. Asset Identification The first step […]

Real World Asset Tokenisation

In recent years, the blockchain space has seen an innovative trend gaining momentum: the tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs). This process involves creating digital representations of physical assets on a blockchain, enabling unprecedented levels of accessibility, liquidity, and security. The concept is transforming how we perceive ownership and value transfer, bringing traditional assets like real […]

Understanding the Bitcoin ETF

The world of cryptocurrency investment has reached a new milestone with the introduction of the Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). This development marks a significant shift, blending the innovative world of digital currencies with the more traditional realm of stock trading. I would like to talk about -what a Bitcoin ETF is and its implications for […]

Keeping the Momentum Post-January 1st: Small Steps to Big Change

Keeping the Momentum Post-January 1st: Small Steps to Big Changes As January unfolds, the initial rush of New Year’s resolutions, especially the flood to fitness centers, becomes a common sight. Yet, the real challenge begins when the excitement wanes. How do we maintain momentum? How do we continue to stride towards our goals when the […]

To a better 2024-A Journey of Reflection and Renewal

As the calendar turns, it’s a natural time for introspection and discussion about the past year’s journey. Many share their proudest achievements, yet it’s also a time when some might feel a sense of unfulfillment, reflecting more on missed opportunities and unmet goals than on successes. If you find yourself pondering over losses and what […]

My Mistakes as a Founder Post-Fundraising

Raising funds for your startup marks a pivotal moment, a testament to the potential investors see in your vision. However, the celebratory phase is often short-lived, and the subsequent journey can be a treacherous one filled with pitfalls. Today, I want to share some personal mistakes I made after fundraising and finding a semblance of […]

The flip side of entrepreneurship- The negatives enumerated.

A little bit of fair warning, I would not be doing anything else but what I am doing,now- hustlin’. Take this in the right spirit for every coin has 2 sides and I have tried to show you the flip,as well. Always remember,that no matter what you read- the only thing that can propel you […]