Category: Uncategorized

The flip side of entrepreneurship- The negatives enumerated.

A little bit of fair warning, I would not be doing anything else but what I am doing,now- hustlin’. Take this in the right spirit for every coin has 2 sides and I have tried to show you the flip,as well. Always remember,that no matter what you read- the only thing that can propel you […]

On being called the f-word in India#1. It is not what you think, it is the word, feminist.

I am not this hair, I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within. Very early in life, I had faced and gone through what almost all brown women go through — being chided for the colour of my skin and being told that I was too tall. The too tall aspect would […]

If you had to do it over — will you?

Choosing entrepreneurship, a thousand times over. People choose entrepreneurship in under different set of circumstances. People tend to glorify the idea of entrepreneurship as the be all and end all of all freedom. They are not entirely wrong. Several years, ago I had written a piece about the flip side of entrepreneurship. This time around, I […]

Learnings: After 850,000 users on ETHX.

I have been fortunate enough to be a part of an awesome team and an even better product — ethx. For the uninitiated ethx is creating a decentralised economy and internet — by developing an internet based on value. We are creating a complete blockchain suite — which would enable users to get the real advantages of this amazing […]